Hello! I’m Kari. I’m an writer, runner, librarian, photographer and mother, among other things! I’ve been intrigued with the role the archetypes play out in our lives. I aspire to make my life and help others make theirs into an epic archetypal story through creativity and magic.
I journal…a lot! I hope that by sharing my journey through writing and running I share something that resonates with you and can help us all to know, trust and illuminate our archetypes together. I share the tools that have helped me live a introspective, self-directed and creative life hoping that it inspires you on your journey as well.
I am inspired by the magic of everyday life by following the threads of my life. I dig deep to see how my story has evolved and find my way, fully empowered, into a new and evolving story. I hope we can journey and tell our stories together. The world needs all of us. Feel free to reach out at any time. I’m so glad you’re here!